Rohingya National League Condemns Arakan Army and Tatmadaw Atrocities,


1 August 2024. name removed.
Rohingya National League Condemns Arakan Army and Tatmadaw Atrocities, Calls for International Intervention and Justice
The Rohingya National League (RNL) strongly condemns the atrocities committed by either the Arakan Army (AA) or the AA in conjunction with the Tatmadaw. These heinous acts, including the use of heavy weapons to destroy Rohingya villages, the killing of innocent villagers, and the displacement of entire communities, are deliberate, intentional, and motivated by a clear purpose.
The RNL stands firmly against such inhumane and cowardly actions by the AA and Tatmadaw forces and calls for an immediate cessation of these brutal acts. We remind both the AA and Tatmadaw of Sir Isaac Newton’s third law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The RNL believes that for all the wrongdoings committed by the AA and Tatmadaw, there will inevitably be consequences—equal and opposite reactions—that these organizations will face sooner or later.
We urge all parties involved to cease these atrocities immediately and to recognize the inevitable repercussions of their actions.
We urge the international community to take decisive action to punish the perpetrators by all possible means, to halt the atrocities, and to guide them towards the right path.
*Urgent Appeal to the International Community*
It has become increasingly clear that the Arakan Army (AA) is prioritizing violence against the Rohingya over its stated goal of achieving autonomy from the Tatmadaw military. Recent tragic events in Maung Daw township have demonstrated the AA’s intent to eliminate the Rohingya population in the region. This alarming situation points to a full-fledged war against the Rohingya community in Rakhine State, particularly in the areas of Buthidaung, Maungdaw and Rathedaung. In Sittwe,Thandwe,Min Pay,and others Rohingya living areas were also attacked and displaced completely.
Reports indicate that over 80% of the Rohingya population has been forcibly displaced, either internally or externally. The scale of this humanitarian crisis is staggering and demands immediate international attention and intervention.
The Rohingya National League (RNL) urgently calls upon the international community, human rights organizations, and world leaders to take decisive action to protect the remaining Rohingya people. We must act swiftly to prevent further atrocities and ensure the safety and security of this vulnerable community.
The time to act is now. We cannot stand by as the Rohingya face a systematic campaign of violence and displacement. Together, we can help stop these crimes against humanity and work towards a peaceful and just resolution.